New dental technology: Icon resin infiltration

Resin infiltration (or “Icon”) is awesome new technology used in dentistry to treat early enamel cavities or white spots on teeth. “It’s the solution to treating cavities while preserving healthy tooth structure!” White spots can occur from enamel defects during development or from plaque collection around orthodontic brackets. These spots are more prone to collecting plaque and progression into cavities due to their porous nature. Thanks to Icon these spots can be treated early and we can mask the discoloration to match the enamel color of the rest of the tooth. And want to know the best part about it? There’s no needles, drilling or filling! It’s noninvasive and virtually painless.

The treatment is simple but very technique-sensitive in order to accomplish the best result!

1) You “etch” the tooth with a 15% hydrochloric acid gel which removes a thin layer of the weak enamel.

2) Next you “dry “the surface with a high concentrated alcohol.

3) Finally, a liquid resin is applied to the spot and the tooth essentially “soaks” it in, and it is set with a curing light.

*Steps 1 and 2 may be repeated many times until the desired esthetic outcome is achieved.

The treated enamel is now stronger and more resistant to an acid attack, and has an excellent esthetic result all thanks to the Icon resin infiltration!

Check out this beautiful before and after by our very own, Dr. Kasia Lindhorst. The gums will heal naturally over the next couple days!

Does your child have white spots that could potentially benefit from this awesome new dental technology? Do you want to know more about Icon resin infiltration? Give us a call at 713-861-4000 and we would be happy to set up a consult with our doctors!