Let's talk about THUMB SUCKING!


Thumb sucking is a natural and comforting behavior that many babies and young children engage in. It’s often part of their early developmental stages providing them with a way to self-soothe. The behavior may become a concern if it persists as the child grows older. It can potentially lead to dental issues such as misalignment of the teeth, narrow jaw development, airway patency concerns, and sometimes affects speech development.

Some children stop thumb sucking on their own by age 3 or 4, but many need help from parents and health professionals. In our practice we start working with kids and parents to wean them off the habit at three years of age. Here are our recommendations on step by step approach:

  1. Positive Reinforcement: Offer praise and rewards when the child refrains from sucking his or her thumb. We provide charts that can help kids achieve daily rewards. We also encourage parents to praise kids abundantly and to bring them to our office for big prizes when completely weaned off. Here is a link to our free and printable charts. https://www.heightspedoortho.com/charts

open bite due to thumb sucking

2. Distractions: If thumb sucking is related to a specific comfort items (like a stuffed animal or blanket), remove them from child’s reach at vulnerable times such as watching TV, car rides, or sleeping. Meantime introduce other soothing techniques such as deep breathing or a calming activity.

example of a thumb guard

3. Physical barriers: If thumb sucking continues beyond the age of 4, try using band aids, gloves, Malvala nail polish, or other physical “thumb guards” to help kids remember not to put the thumb in their mouths.

4. Dental thumb appliance: If all else fails, our team can fabricate custom fitted mouth guard that will be temporarily glued on molars in order to help kids quit the habit completely. It blocks the thumb from creating the suction with the palate, which is the feeling kids crave. These appliances are easy to wear and do not inflict any pain or harm. We recommend wearing them for 6 months in order to ensure full success.

Feel free to call us anytime you have questions about how to help your little one with stopping thumb sucking habit. We know it is a journey and many of our doctors and team members struggled with this issue with our own kids. We have personal experience as well as resources to help our families!

dentist made thumb appliance